why vegan?


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What we eat has never been so important.  In many countries we are blessed with the choice to eat what we want.  At the B.H.K., we believe that going vegan is the most important decisions you could make in terms of your own health, the planets health and the welfare and care of animals.

Veganism is an genuine expression of peaceful intent for the future.  We will never judge anyone for doing otherwise, we were both very much into bacon sarnies, but here is how we feel now and how our opinions and lifestyles have changed.

Veganism is a lifestyle, but technically, we all eat loads of vegan food everyday.  If you eat vegetables, legumes, nuts, fruits, you are part vegan already!  Hoorah!!!!  Choosing a vegan diet, even if its just every now and again, is in no way about sufferance.  You are not giving anything up, you are actually gaining loads!

Vegan food is outrageously flavourful and moreish, and can naturally leading to weight loss and energy gains.  For us, thinking vegan led to new and healthy habits and highlighted the importance of a balanced and nutritious diet.  Taking a step towards veganism leads to a giant leap forward in our collective sustainability.  All we need are open minds (and mouths!)



Jane and I have been vegan/ vegetarians for a while now, and around four years ago, I decided to take the plunge and become full-power vegan.  If you look back into the Beach House Kitchen library, you will find vegetarian dishes with cheese and egg, but no more.

We have gone through the whole process, from extremely carnivore to content herbivore and we know exactly what its like to be curious about a vegan diet.  I’ve always loved cooking vegan food.  We ended up giving bits and pieces up and finally blooming into full blown vegan-hood.

We were first attracted to vegan food by its creativity and vibrancy.  It really seems like the food for a brighter future.  It all seemed so beautifully fresh and tantalising.  In our experience, eating vegan food has made us feel lighter and brighter, with oodles of well being and energy.  I know we all say that, but its true!  We have never felt so darn healthy and vivacious.

As a cook, vegan food takes you to a new levels of plant-based deliciousness, it is cooking that is laced with constant surprises!  Rich, robust, raw, ravishing…….all that and much, much more.

Organic plant foods are our favourite and superbly nutritious, there is no need for dairy or meat in our diets anymore.  We can choose a new way to eat.  Munching and cooking a balanced and creative vegan diet is such a joy and is never, ever dull.

It is inexpensive and simple.  Anyone can do it (we did!)  Our style of vegan food worships good produce and is constantly looking for fresh and interesting ways of creating magical meals.  Hopefully we tap into that enthusiasm here on the B.H.K.


All of our latest recipes can be found here




Avoiding meat and dairy all together seemed a very natural progression, especially when based on environmental and ethical evidence (some of the challenging facts and figures can be found here).

The closer we got to nature and the more we learn about the impact of large scale meat and dairy production, the more we realised that this a powerful, peaceful and effective way for us to express our hopes and dreams for the future.  Becoming a vegan has a massive effect on the environment; our own health and the well being of animals.  It is a no-lose decision and can only lead to a more peaceful existence for all.  It’s a big deal!

Eat with all your heart!

Leaving meat and dairy off your plate is a powerful message and a stance against all forms of cruelty.  The suffering that animals endure to provide generally unnecessary nutrients seems utterly wrong.  There are so many other accessible options nowadays.

Meat and dairy are generally high in saturated fats and cholesterol, which inevitably lead to a long term degradation of health.

“Our deep urge to evolve to a more spiritually mature level of understanding and living, and to create a social order that promotes more justice, peace, freedom, health, sanity, prosperity, sustainability, and happiness, absolutely requires us to stop viewing animals as food objects to be consumed and to shift to a plant-based way of eating.”  

Will Tuttle – World Peace Diet (a book we recommend)

Gorgeous Raf Tomatoes – Too Sexy



We are more conscious now of what we eat, we don’t just scoff it down anymore.  We feel more in tune with our bodies and far more creative with our cooking; having to combine a greater number of ingredients and textures to create delicious dishes.

Veganism has made us focus much more on our diets and how that effects our body and mind.  We have also learned a lot more about nutrition and have come to realise that we are what we eat and most (if not all) mass-produced food is just not up to scratch.  Food made in factories by machines just seems wrong, for a start, there is no love there.  Our food needs bags of love and home made is best.  We know it’s difficult in the busy modern world, but its something to aim for and most of all, enjoy!

We both found that when you begin to give up or lower the foods that are doing us no good (we all instinctively know what these are and you’re not going to like me for saying this…..but) fatty nibbles like crisps/ chips, alcohol, caffeine, processed sugar etc, cravings gradually slip away and we feel lighter and energy levels rise.  Our bodies need good, wholesome, easy to digest fuel.  Namely, plant based food.  Foods that make you shine!



A friend of mine said to me “Where’s the fun in it?!” refering to a healthy diet.  I can assure you, there is still plenty of fun in the Beach House, just minus the hot dogs.

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be stuffy and rigid, there are endless recipes that are absolutely delicious and an incredible palate of ingredients and flavours to play with.  It does take a little change of the palate and a new approach to the way that you eat and subsequently live, but after a short while it becomes perfectly normal.  Your palate becomes more sensitive, with less exposure to rich and fatty foods and you can enjoy the subtle flavours of ingredients and simpler foods.

This is a good vibes vegan blog!  We’re here to support and inspire with tasty plates and pictures.  We feel that there is a collective shift taking place, which we’re so excited about being part of.  There is so much more awareness about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle. We are amazed and heartened to see society changing in that way.

“The good news is that our bodies thrive on a conscious plant-based diet, and that this diet is infinitely more compassionate to animals and people and more environmentally sustainable than eating animal foods.”  

Will Tuttle


For the shocking effects that animal agriculture has on our environment, click here.



We try to make our dishes appeal to all tastes and most of our carnivorous friends love dinners at the Beach House (even my Dad, who has gone from a greens hater to Kale’s number one fan).

You’ll find our recipes nourishing and packed with flavour.  We love a good plate of food, so the portions are always hearty and satisfying.  Our food is cooked from the heart, it’s real (good for the) soul food!


If you interested in learning more about a vegan lifestyle, please see the ‘links’ section which is full of interesting blogs and sites or leave a comment below or email us hellobeachhousekitchen@gmail.com  We’d love to hear from you!


Beach House blackberries. Yum! Beach House blackberries. Yum!


Jump in!

And some interesting and informative vegan websites based in the UK:


The Vegan Society



We believe that veganism makes the world a better place for us all and how we eat can change ourselves and the world!

Viva Vegan!

Lee + Jane


23 thoughts on “why vegan?

  1. Hi! Good blog! It’s really wonderful to promote vegetarian diet. Keep it up! Cheers!

  2. Really love your blog, so much to read and learn! better get started looking around 🙂 x

  3. Gem

    Horray for the veggies 😉

  4. Awesome blog!

  5. Thanks for visiting our blog and thanks for having a blog to share your veg recipes and info! It’s nice to have another veg blog out there available for people.

    If you ever visit the US, we invite you to drop by our restaurant in California 🙂

  6. Jeremy Nathan Marks

    This is terrific. My wife and I have been vegetarians for years and now we are crossing the threshold into veganism (at least, trying to). I can only echo so many of your observations. It is fun, it is conscious raising, it does have everything to do with being closer to nature.

    • Hello Jeremy, great to have you in the BHK, I love your poetry. Good luck with all things vegan, we occasionally have a little cheese, but are pretty much vegan. We just like the food and our bodies certainly do! Eating cleaner is definitely helping us to ‘tune in’. Peace and Happiness, lee

      • Jeremy Nathan Marks

        Hi Lee,

        I am glad to be at the BHK. We are cheese lovers, so I anticipate some “cheating” along the way.

        Thank you for the compliment on my poetry and thank you for following my blog. I enjoy both of your blogs very much and appreciate your poetry too.

      • We do sneek some cheese in occasionally, but I must admit, these things move in stages. It just seems a little odd to even cook at the minute after our raw two months! I tried yesterday and the belly was not happy at all. Cheese is a fine thing though and we have some amazing little producers around here. Christmas treats. Have great times Jeremy, great to be connected.

  7. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for the follow.

  8. Good blog! : ) I’m a vegan too. It’s so much better to safe the animals and besides that it’s a healty way. Better dan eat meat.

    Cheers! : )

    Sweet greetings, Summer

  9. I lyked it. Superb Yaar(in hindi)(friend). I am also a vegetarian and I am very happy that i got an opportunity to read this stuff. Carry on bro I am wid u.

  10. I am not total Vegetarian, I do eat fish now. My daughter is a Vegetarian also.

    You have only to look at what is pumped into animals and the way they are kept and slaughtered, and if you understand how energy is transferred by what we eat, to digest meat is toxifying our systems with negativity.

    So no wonder you feel ‘Lighter’ because when we eat well in nature’s balance we become more balanced..

    • Here, here Sue. Food produced, grown, cooked with love is essential (also eaten with love and respect). This is an essential part of being balanced with the body and earth. Poor animals, there are many farmers who care and some good meat out there, but I feel a veggie diet is a step forward. Next stop veganism!

      • You know I think this last Horse-meat scare did a lot to making people THINK about what they are eating… Far too many think Meat comes plastic wrapped from the Supermarket.. Lets hope sometime in the future people will consider the welfare of our animal kingdom.. It is getting better, but we have still a long way to go to educate people.
        You and Jane are doing a great job here on your Blog! 🙂

  11. Great post. It is sad people ask ‘where is the fun in it’ for vegan food because cruelty based foods are not exactly fun.

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