‘Meat vs Veg’ – Lee on T.V.

All images taken from ‘Meat vs Veg’ shoot, Summertime ’13

I made a TV program called ‘Meat vs Veg’, I have no idea why I haven’t popped it on the BHK yet, but here it is.  In all it’s glory!  It was nearly two years ago now and since then has been shown all around the world on a variety of food channels, but as yet, has not been shown in the UK.  Hopefully, it will be on soon.

It was a load of fun to make and the basic format was me against Mike Robinson, a top, and very meaty, chef; owner of the Pot Kiln Pub and an all around gentleman (unless you happen to be a deer that is).  We cooked for a varied group of people, two contestants per show, all with weird and wonderful tastes in food; some gourmet critics, others couldn’t tell a chicken wing from a sweet potato.  You will have to watch the program to see who won, Meat or Veg??!

Mike and I got up to all sorts of mischief around London, each show contained a ‘Street Challenge’ where we had to hit the streets and tempt people with our tasty morsels.  We cooked for women rowing teams, R and B models, animal volunteers, Battersea dogs home, aspiring theatre actors, music studio employees…….it was a wild time.

Mike and I were cooking everything live to camera and trying to be interesting at the same time.  Which is much more difficult than it may sound!  Making a TV program down in London was certainly a change from working up in North Wales.

Jane and I were in India recently and it was showing on a Nat Geo channel.  I even got recognized in a small village in the Himalayas, which was very strange and quite hilarious.  ‘Meat vs Veg’ is out there and it’s a light hearted food program, with stunning food and bags of laughs.  It highlights my ability to make a fool of myself in front of a camera (a talent I have honed since childhood).  Overall it was a great experience.

If you are in Serbia, Brazil, India, Hong Kong, Australia and probably a load more countries around the world, keep your eye out for ‘Meat vs Veg’ on your food channels and let us know if you manage to catch an episode.  I’m the tall hairy one, probably attacking Mike with a carrot or other root vegetable.  He deserves it!!!!!

Mike and I (trying to look tough)

Categories: Healthy Eating | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments

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15 thoughts on “‘Meat vs Veg’ – Lee on T.V.

  1. You really ARE famous Leroy! I just found you on Youtube (In Thai and in Serbian 😉 )

    Wow! Now we are starstruck. NO idea if your show will ever come down under but if it does, consider us your number one Tasmanian fan club 🙂

    • I am HUGE in Serbia! Easily the leading foreign vegan celeb!!!!!

      • We funneled you through Steve’s PlayStation and onto our big Sony in the lounge-room yesterday just so that we could now say that we watched you on our television on the big screen. You are now famous (officially) in Australia as well! Maybe we need to upload that trailer in “Bonza Occer” for this auspicious occasion? 😉

      • I am touched Fran, I have never been funneled through a Playstation. Who knew I’d grace the screens in Tasmania and Serbia. It all sounds so exotic. Roll on the Holywood ego tantrums!!!!!!!!!!

      • Glad we are FAR away from those ego tantrums Leroy! We will content ourselves to press “replay” over, and over, and over again (not much on the telly at 5.25am 😉 )

      • I always admire your ability to rise early Fran. The only time I get up at 5:25am is when I’m in a monastery! Meaning, irregularly.

      • I get up at 3am so that I can get the most out of my day. I tend to be fast asleep and drooling on the couch at about 8pm but you know what they say “early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise…” Still waiting for the “wealthy” and not sure about the “wise” but I think I am healthier for my early mornings 😉

  2. Cristine

    Love your show! Very entertaining

  3. Indo


    je vous écris en français pour mieux traduire après ! Car ce qui importe c’est avant tout le message 🙂 Votre épisode sur les techniciens électroniques était merveilleuse et je voulais vous demander si c’est possible d’avoir un lien pour la revisionnée car je n’a le trouve pas sur le net cela sera très sympa de votre part 🙂

    Merci encore et j’attend votre feedback

  4. Indo


    je vous écris en français pour mieux traduire après !! Sinon j’avais visionné votre épisode sur les techniciens électroniques et les champignons et je voulais savoir s’il est possible d’avoir un lien pour la revoir en replay ç’a sera bien sympa de votre part 🙂

    Encore félicitations pour le show et merci

  5. Andy I

    I’ve just finished watching another episode on Nat Geo People here in Indonesia!

    It always seems like an unfair contest for me – meat-eating judges will generally prefer meat, but you can’t get vegetarians to be judges, as that requires eating meat!

    Meat has won the main contest every time I’ve caught an episode – maybe I’ve just been unlucky! Even as a meat-eater, I hope to finally come across a win for Veg…..it’s certainly deserved most of the time on the basis of creativity alone!

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